Navigating Quarantine | What are your small joys?
Friends. How are you?
Are you enjoying this time that we’re all seemingly on hold? What are you doing to fill the days? Have you planted a garden? Read a good book? Caught up on rest? I know the world is a scary, unpredictable place right now. I hope that you are taking time to find even the smallest of joys in your day to day.
I wanted to share with you what is currently bringing me joy:
early mornings with coffee outside
mystery audiobooks and podcasts
old audio recordings - I highly recommend The Kitchen Sisters Presents podcast
slow cooking - new recipes & comfort food
happy hour in my beach chair
intentional time with my <3
frequently connecting with friends and family that are located all over
personal art projects - painting flowers has been the perfect antidote.
I firmly believe in the power of positivity and connection. Please share what is bringing you joy in the comments below. Wishing you all a beautiful week xx