2023 Year in Review
Every year I look forward to a deep dive into what the past twelve months have looked like. Going into this year, I had high expectations for my first full year of self employment. I was optimistic that since I had full autonomy of my time that everything was simply going to come together. Spoiler alert: It did not in fact simply come together.
I have put together an overview of my best moments of the year, the highlight reel if you will. It’s important for me to share that for every win there were twice as many failures. Something I don’t think many people realize outside of entrepreneurship is how much rejection is part of this journey. Recently I came across the podcast Fail Like an Artist. It is a series of wonderfully raw conversations between two professional artists. Their ability to share hard experiences has given me new ground to stand on. Ultimately, I am just grateful for the ability to learn, grow, and evolve every day.
Looking to the new year, my goal is to create a personal daily art making practice. As my creations become more business driven, I am needing to reconnect with what made me fall in love with art making in the first place. So without further delay… here are some of my favorite moments from this past year.